- Fill out the Admissions Form.
- Attach report card from previous school. (PK-K).
- Fill out Psychopedagogical report.
- Bring Recommendation Form (PK-K).
- Cancel admission/interview assessment fee at the bank.
- Scan documents 1-5 to info@decrolyameriano.edu.gt
- The Admissions Department will confirm the receptions of your documents.
- The school will contact you to:
- Infants and Toddlers applicants. We will contact you to confirm the date and hour for your virtual interview with the Principal and Counselor. (Both parents must attend the meeting)
- Preschool and PK applicants. We will contact you to provide the date and hour of the admission test.
- PK and K applicants. We will contact you to confirm date and hour to take the of the admission test.
- You will be notified through an email about your kid admission status.
- Prior to set your enrollment appointment, submit the following documents to the Admissions Department:

- Birth certificate.
- Recent picture.
- Hearing test. (PK and K)
- Vision test. (PK and K)
- Health certificate.
- Immunization Record.
- Blood type certification.
- **Personal Code by the MINEDUC (only for students from Guatemalan Schools)
- **A solvency letter from the previous school (2). (Parents must bring a temporary solvency letter during the enrollment procedure; the annual solvency letter must be brought by November)
** When applicable**
- A copy of the parent’s identification document (Documento de Identificación Personal or passport if they are not Guatemalan citizens.

11. Set an appointment with the Admissions Department to:
- Sign service contract between parents and Colegio Decroly Americano.
- Sign service contract between parents and Penta, S.A.
- Pay enrollment fees and first installment of tuition fees to Colegio Decroly
**Enrollment will be official upon receipt of all documents and fulfill all requirements**
NOTE: If you have any questions, contact the Admissions Department info@decrolyamericano.edu.gt