
Celebrating Carnaval at Colegio Decroly Americano



At Colegio Decroly Americano (CDA), we believe in not just educating minds, but also in nurturing spirits and embracing culture. One of the vibrant traditions we celebrate each year is Carnaval, a festival deeply ingrained in the history and heritage of Guatemala. As one of the best schools in Guatemala, we take pride in keeping this tradition alive and vibrant within our school community.



History of Carnaval in Guatemala

Carnaval has a rich history in Guatemala, dating back to when Spanish settlers brought their customs and festivities to the region. Over time, Carnaval evolved into a unique blend of indigenous and European traditions, reflecting the diverse cultural tapestry of Guatemala. Today, Carnaval is celebrated across the country with colorful parades, elaborate costumes, lively music, and spirited dances.



The Tradition of Cascarones

Carnaval in Guatemala is not just about colorful costumes and lively parades; it’s also about the cherished tradition of cascarones. Cascarones are hollowed-out eggshells filled with confetti or small toys, painted in vibrant colors, and decorated with intricate designs. The tradition of cascarones dates back centuries and is believed to have originated in Spain before spreading to Latin America.



In Guatemala, cascarones are an integral part of Carnaval celebrations. During the festivities, children and adults alike delight in smashing cascarones over each other’s heads, showering each other with confetti and laughter. This playful tradition symbolizes the joy and camaraderie of Carnaval, as well as the renewal of life and spirit that comes with the arrival of spring.

At Colegio Decroly Americano, we embrace the tradition of cascarones as a symbol of unity, happiness, and community spirit. Our students eagerly anticipate the opportunity to create and share cascarones with their classmates, teachers, and families, adding an extra layer of fun and excitement to our Carnaval celebrations.


Keeping Tradition Alive at CDA

Carnaval is more than just a festival here – it’s a celebration of identity, unity, and cultural pride. Each year, our school comes alive with the vibrant colors, infectious rhythms, and joyful energy of Carnaval. Students and teachers come together to participate in parades, dances, and other festivities, creating unforgettable memories and strengthening bonds within our community.


Why Tradition Matters

Preserving traditions like Carnaval is essential for maintaining a sense of identity and belonging. By celebrating Carnaval, we honor our ancestors, connect with our cultural roots, and pass down cherished customs to future generations. At CDA, we understand the importance of embracing tradition as a way to foster unity, diversity, and mutual respect among our students and staff.



Conclusion: Celebrating Diversity, Unity, and Culture

As one of the best schools in Guatemala, Colegio Decroly Americano is committed to celebrating diversity, promoting unity, and preserving culture. Through events like Carnaval, we not only educate our students academically but also instill in them a deep appreciation for their heritage and traditions. By embracing the past, we pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for all members of our school community.


Join us as we dance to the rhythm of Carnaval and celebrate the vibrant culture of Guatemala at Colegio Decroly Americano!